Source code for ardent.preprocessing.normalization

import numpy as np

from ..lddmm._lddmm_utilities import _validate_ndarray

def _verify_data_is_ndarray(data):
    if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError(f"data must be of type np.ndarray.\ntype(data): {type(data)}.")

[docs]def cast_to_typed_array(data, dtype=float): """ Returns a copy of data cast as a np.ndarray of type dtype. Args: data (np.ndarray): The array to be cast. dtype (type, optional): The dtype to cast data to. Defaults to float. Defaults to float. Returns: np.ndarray: A copy of data cast to type dtype. """ return _validate_ndarray(data, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def normalize_by_MAD(data): """ Returns a copy of data divided by its mean absolute deviation. Args: data (np.ndarray): The array to be normalized. Returns: np.ndarray: A copy of data divided by its mean absolute deviation. """ _verify_data_is_ndarray(data) mean_absolute_deviation = np.mean(np.abs(data - np.median(data))) normalized_data = data / mean_absolute_deviation return normalized_data
[docs]def center_to_mean(data): """ Returns a copy of data subtracted by its mean. Args: data (np.ndarray): The array to be subtracted from. Returns: np.ndarray: A copy of data subtracted by its mean. """ _verify_data_is_ndarray(data) centered_data = data - np.mean(data) return centered_data
[docs]def pad(data, pad_width=10, mode='constant', constant_values=None): """ Returns a padded copy of data. Args: data (np.ndarray): The array to be padded. pad_width (int, optional): The amount by which to pad. Defaults to 10. mode (str, optional): The padding mode used in np.pad. Defaults to 'constant'. constant_values (float, optional): The values to use in padding if mode='constant' If None, this is set to np.quantile(data, 10**-data.ndim). Defaults to None. Returns: np.ndarray: The padded copy of data. """ _verify_data_is_ndarray(data) if constant_values is None: constant_values = np.quantile(data, 10**-data.ndim) pad_kwargs = {'array':data, 'pad_width':pad_width, 'mode':mode} if mode == 'constant': pad_kwargs.update(constant_values=constant_values) padded_data = np.pad(**pad_kwargs) return padded_data